Ask a Lawn Mowing Services Company: What’s the Best Mowing Height?

As a lawn mowing services company, we get asked all the time what the best mowing height for your lawn. Here’s our answer.

Mowing height depends on grass type 

Different grass types have different cutting needs, so you’ll need to make sure you’re mowing your grass to the expected height. Cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, Ryegrass, and Fescue grows the most during cool temperatures of spring and fall. Warm-season grasses, such as St. Augustine, Bermuda grass, Centipede, and Zoysia achieve their peak growth in the summer. An optimal height for mowing grass is usually about 2 ½ inches. 

The general rule of thumb for mowing is never to remove more than one-third of the total grass blade length at a single cutting. The easiest way to accomplish this requirement is to know your turf’s ideal height, and then allow it to grow one-third longer before mowing. At Lawn Troopers, we ensure that your lawn is mowed at the correct height to avoid any damages.

The table below shows some of the grass types and their recommended heights.

Cool-season grasses

Grass Type               Mowing Height

Kentucky Bluegrass                    0.75 to 3.5 inches 

Perennial Ryegrass                     0.75 to 2.5 inches

Fine Fescue                                      1.5 to 4 inches 

Tall Fescue                                       1.5 to 4 inches 

Warm-season grasses 

Grass Type           Mowing Height

Bahiagrass                                      2.5 to 4 inches 

Bermuda                                         0.5 to 2.5 inches 

Buffalo                                            1.5 to 4 inches 

Centipede                                      1 to 2.5 inches 

St. Augustine                                1 to 3 inches 

Zoysia                                              0.5 to 3 inches 

Mowing too low damages your grass 

Mowing the grass too low will cause detrimental effects to your lawn. Mowing too low stresses the grass and reduces the density of the grass. This makes the lawn susceptible to invasive summer weed pressures. Also, mowing too low will make the grass vulnerable to the summer heat and may result in brown patches. 

Mowing Height in the spring, summer and fall

In the spring, lower your mower height to about 1 to 2 notches, so you’re mowing your grass about 3 inches tall. This will cut off the winter-burned strands and prepare them for a fresh growing season.  

In the summer, raise your mower height for cool-season grasses and keep it around 4 inches. With taller strands of grass, the lawn soil is shaded and this helps prevent weeds and also shields the grass from the harsh heat.

Mid-height grass is preferred in the fall. In winter, tall grass may get matted and become diseased. However, cutting the grass too short will expose it to cold temperatures. You should therefore maintain a mid-height during the fall to prepare the lawn for winter.   

Now that your friendly neighbourhood lawn care services company has let you in on the secret to the ultimate mowing height, let us know if you need any help this season! Lawn Troopers provides tactical precision with every mow! Contact us to request a quote that fits your needs today.